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Dermatologist Recommended Skin Care

Posted by GuJJu Saturday, August 20, 2011 0 comments

If you’re like me, when you look for something like skin care, a recommendation by a professional makes a big difference, right? But what if that recommendation is not all it’s cracked up to be?

In other words, what if “Dermatologist Recommended” doesn’t really mean that a skin care product is effective, or even safe for your skin?

Sadly, that’s the case with some products.

Dermatologist Recommended Skin Care Dermatologist Recommended Skin Care

These dermatologist recommended skin care creams and other products probably are recommended by some doctor, somewhere, but they are full of chemicals that are not helpful to your skin and may be harmful not only to your skin but to your overall health-chemicals like acrylamides, parabens and alchohol. Many of these products contain carcinogens and neurotoxins.

Is this really something you want to put on your skin?

No, probably not. So how do these products get to be dermatologist recommended skin care?

There are two reasons.

First, there is always a doctor who will recommend something in exchange for the name recognition or the money involved. That’s just a sad truth.

Second, you have to understand that chemicals are a part of the world of medicine. Dermatologists use chemicals all the time; they’re called medicine. They may not really be thinking in terms of how these chemicals affect your skin long-term, because they’re focusing on fixing the immediate problem.

But your focus is on healthy skin, and for that you need a natural solution.

Fortunately, you can find natural dermatologist recommended skin care products. The key is to look for natural ingredients that target the issues you’re hoping to correct.

One important ingredient to look for is natural Vitamin E. Active manuka honey and avocado oil, as well as babassu, will help your skin stay well-hydrated and resist signs of aging. Because these ingredients are all-natural and completely organic, you could eat them! You can apply them to broken skin to promote healing, so you can imagine that they will help keep your skin young-looking and healthy.

Naturally, you don’t even have to know that these ingredients are part of a dermatologist approved skin care regime to know that they are great for your skin. But what do they do?

Avocado oil stimulates the production of collagen while reducing age spots, while babassu prevents dry skin and creates a layer of protection to lock in moisture and keep out dirt and pollutants. Manuka honey is an antibacterial that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, and helps soothe serious skin conditions. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce blemishes, age spots and wrinkles. So you can see that these ingredients are very important in any natural dermatologist recommended skin care product.

So what’s the bottom line? Always go natural and always know the ingredients in any product you choose. Dermatologist recommended skin care may have it’s place but you need to educate yourself as well.

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How to Use Anti Aging Skin Creme

Posted by GuJJu Friday, August 19, 2011 0 comments

Anti Aging Skin Creme is a bigger deal all the time as the baby boomers look to hang onto their youth. When you’re buying something, especially online, it’s tempting to rely primarily on reviews. This can be helpful when you’re buying, say, a book or a computer accessory, but when you’re buying something more personal and much more complex, like skin care products, reviews should be only one part of your shopping process.

How to Use Anti Aging Skin Creme Anti Aging Skin Creme

Before you buy any skin care product, you should know what problems you are trying to combat, such as fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles under your eyes, etc., and what ingredients you need to deal with those problems. Then you should buy a product with those ingredients.

Always remember that ingredients are key. Without the right ingredients, no amount of time spent reading anti aging skin creme reviews can help you buy the right product.

Second, in this same area of ingredients, keep in mind that you need to buy all-natural, organic ingredients; cheap products full of petrochemicals will not effectively treat your skin, may harm your skin and can have damaging effects on your health, or even cause cancer.

So you must know what is in the skin care product you are considering, and the best way to get this information is from the manufacturer, not from anti aging skin creme reviews. The reviews can be helpful and may include this information, but always verify it with the manufacturer.

Reviews are helpful once you’ve found a product that has ingredients you like, from a company that seems to have great customer service and with whom you think you’d like to do business. Then you can check out reviews and see what people like you are saying about the products you’re interested in. This is where the review process shines.

But even here, keep in mind that any review is one person’s subjective opinion. They may have had a different experience than you, may not have given it as long as you might have, may have different skin, or may have different needs. If they don’t like it, you might; if they like it, you might not.

So you will want to read more than a couple of anti aging skin creme reviews. But skin care creme reviews are an excellent way to get opinions from real people who are using skin care products under real conditions and who are willing to talk about the good, the bad and the ugly and share their experiences. And by reading several reviews of several different products you can get a fairly good comparison of them.

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Do you want to know what to look for in eye creams? Do you wish somebody had an answer to your eye problems-the puffiness, the dark circles, the wrinkles, the eye bags?

If you do, you’re like millions of other people, and every skin care brand has an eye cream they want to sell you. So what do you buy?

Ingredients to Look For in Eye Creams for Wrinkles What to Look for In Eye Creams

The first step in what to look for in eye creams is to look for a safe, natural cream with ingredients that can actually treat your symptoms. Stay away from petrochemicals, parabens and alcohol, which do more damage by drying your skin and even causing more wrinkles.

What exactly should you avoid when you’re looking for the best eye creams for wrinkles? Basically any chemical, but some specific ones are polyacrylamide, acrylamide, and oxybenzone. Petrolatum will prevent your skin from rejuvenating, and since that is exactly what you’re trying to encourage, you do not want that in your skin care product, but some companies put it in there because it’s cheap. Avoid it at all cost.

Do not buy any skin care product with fragrances added; they contain various additives that can cause problems and you have no idea what those additives may be.

Many of the major cosmetic companies, quite simply, use substances in their products that are carcinogenic or may act as neurotoxins, and many more that are simply not nutritious for your skin.

You need to use natural, organic ingredients on your skin, particularly on the sensitive skin around your eyes.

What to look for in the best eye creams for wrinkles, you ask?

One of the best is called functional keratin. You may have heard of this; it comes from the wool of sheep and its biological structure is very similar to the protein in the fiber of our skin, so it is very good at rejuvenating skin. It’s an excellent ingredient in eye creams.

Another active ingredient to look for is kelp extract, which is also very similar to the protein in the fibers of the skin; this extract works against the breakdown of a compound called hyaluronic acid.

The best eye creams for wrinkles contain antioxidants to undo free existing free radical damage and prevent further damage.

Protein peptides are one ingredient to look for to reduce crow’s feet, bags and dark circles, which work well on the thin skin under your eyes by thickening the skin and improving circulation to remove the dark circles.

Other ingredients you might look for include moisturizers like jojoba oil, vitamin E, Shea butter and avocado extract.

The most important key in what to look for in eye creams for wrinkles is to look for natural ingredients that address the issues you want to treat.

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Organic Lip Gloss

Posted by GuJJu 0 comments

Organic lip gloss is a natural alternative that is becoming more popular. Regular lip products contain many synthetic and harmful chemicals. Although the gloss is applied to the lips, people do not realize that they are eating it throughout the day and are actually ingesting all of the harmful chemicals inside the gloss. Organic products are eco-friendly and safer. Multiple manufacturers have started to make organic lip products, so there are many choices in great shades.

Organic Lip Gloss Organic Lip Gloss

An organic lip gloss is usually made with ingredients that have not had any contact with pesticides. In addition, most organic products will not have synthetic ingredients derived in laboratories. Many lip glosses on the market which are not labeled organic have petrolatum. They have ingredients derived from petroleum which have been linked to cancers. In addition, traditional lip products may have alcohols, aluminum and silicon. All of these chemicals have been linked to cancers and other health problems.

Instead of harmful chemicals, organic lip gloss may have natural oils like sunflower oil or beeswax. You can also find gloss with jojoba oil or lavender oil. Some products will have vitamin E which is essential for the human body and provides moisturizing benefits. You may also find glosses with shea butter, vitamin C and other natural ingredients. These vitamins and oils are not linked to cancers or other health problems.

Unfortunately, the FDA has not stopped companies from putting harmful things into lip products and does not oversee these processes well. They have been criticized for years for allowing lead in lipsticks and other products. However, this has not stopped companies from continuing to place toxic chemicals in cosmetics. Lead, aluminum and cadmium are a small sample of the toxic metals that end up in your cosmetics. This is why choosing organic products is important for your health. Since the industry does not regulate traditional products well, it is up to the consumer to research and evaluate all of the makeup options.

Organic lip gloss is a safer alternative that can still look beautiful on your lips. Many people falsely believe that organic products are not available in multiple colors. All of the colors you can find in traditional lip products can also be found with organic ones. Also, there are different delicious flavors available. In addition, they will last just as long as traditional glosses without you placing dangerous synthetics and chemicals on your lips. Organic lip gloss is easy enough to get if you look.

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Organic mineral makeup is becoming more and more popular, as more women begin to search for more natural protects to use instead of using makeup products with irritating synthetic ingredients. Thus, plenty of wonderful mineral makeup products have been created and made available in recent years. Here are some of the essential, organic mineral makeup products you will want to add to your beauty stash:

Organic Mineral Makeup Organic Mineral Makeup

Foundation – Mineral makeup foundation will help to give you the coverage you want without caking or clumping. It will also provide you with a silky smooth feel that is seemingly weightless and diminishes the looks of wrinkles and fine lines to make your skin look younger and healthier.

Concealer – A mineral makeup concealer will help you to get the coverage you need while hiding any undesirable blemishes, leaving your skin appearing flawless and youthful.

Blush – Using organic mineral makeup blush is a great way to define your lovely features without unnatural colors, leaving your skin appearing bright and beautiful with just the right amount of color you need.

Bronzer – A bronzer is an essential summertime beauty tool to give you just the right amount of sun-kissed looking color you want to sport in the warmer weather. It also works great year round to give you the perfect glow you desire.

Finishing Powder – Mineral makeup finishing powder is great for absorbing excess oils, softening your appearance, and minimizing fine lines and wrinkles, giving you the naturally flawless look you want.

Eye Color – Choosing an organic mineral makeup eye color is a much healthier way to get the pop of color you want without putting synthetic materials on the sensitive eye region, allowing you to get the subtle or bold look you want without the worry.

Mascara – Mascara is one of the most common go-to beauty tools for women, yet many mascara products are full of synthetic ingredients. Mineral makeup mascara is an excellent alternative that will make your eye lashes stand out as they are lengthened, lifted, and darkened to perfection.

Lip Color – Using mineral makeup lip color is a great natural way to give your lips the color you want to make them stand out without artificial preservatives or dyes that could harm the sensitive area of the lips.

Lip Balm – Lip balm is another beauty tool essential for every woman, no matter how young or old, and mineral makeup lip balm is an excellent alternative to traditional varieties that still leaves your lips as soft and supple as can be.

Trust yourself in the store or online when you are looking for organic mineral makeup. The fact is that if you are educated and spend a little time looking then your face, skin, and health can be improved by the change to organic mineral makeup.

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When I say “top wrinkle creams” you probably think of the ones you see on television or at the cosmetic counter, the ones you see advertised by major celebrities in the glossy magazines. Those are the ones, right? They wouldn’t be so popular if they weren’t really good, would they?

If I suggested that you buy a lesser-known skin care product from a small company that advertises primarily on the Internet, you would probably balk and feel that the larger cosmetic companies are more reputable and you should buy their products. But here’s something you should know.

The Truth About Wrinkle Creams Truth About Wrinkle Creams

Those large companies are not thinking about your skin when they make their products.

They’re thinking about their own skins – and their bottom lines.

Here’s what goes into those top wrinkle creams: petrochemicals, acrylamides, parabens, alchohol, and other synthetic chemicals, including carcinogenic substances and neurotoxins.

The Real truth about wrinkle creams is that at the very least, what you’re putting on your skin with many creams is not good for your skin; at the very worst it could make you sick.

Why would they do this? Because these ingredients are cheap. They can make a greater profit.

Why are these products so popular? Because, as I pointed out at the beginning, they’re on TV, they’re in glossy magazines; they’re advertised by major celebrities. The celebrities don’t realize what they’re advertising. They probably believe the products are good.

But they’re not.

So what is the alternative to these top wrinkle creams that are really not what they’re cracked up to be?

Remember the lesser-known skin care products from the small company that advertises primarily on the Internet?

These companies create natural, healthful products and care about their customers. Knowing that you need natural ingredients, you can seek out companies that make natural products that meet your needs.

Truth about wrinkle creams is that some ingredients to look for in real “top wrinkle creams” are Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin A. These nutrients will help reduce and protect against the effects of aging by protecting against the sun, defending against toxins that invade your body, and increasing collagen production to keep your skin smooth and firm.

Natural ingredients are always going to be better than synthetic; that’s the first key in finding a great wrinkle cream. The top creams, by revenue, are full of chemicals and your skin will not react well to that kind of treatment.

To get even better results, research your specific skin issues and find the best ingredients for your situation before choosing a cream. This will catapult your results into an even more successful realm.

So don’t let your purchases be fueled by marketing and glitzy campaigns by Hollywood. The truth about wrinkle creams is that you should just stick to good ingredients not packaging

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Organic shampoo and conditioner are natural alternatives favored by many people. Traditional products contain many synthetic ingredients that have been linked to health problems. Some of them are derived directly from petroleum byproducts which are known to cause cancer. In addition, many people develop allergic reactions to the synthetic substances in the traditional shampoo and conditioner products found on store shelves. The organic alternatives are much safer and healthier.

Organic Shampoo and ConditionerInstead of buying traditional products, you may want to consider getting organic shampoo and conditioner. Traditional products have many harmful chemicals. Many people do not realize that the scalp is able to absorb these chemicals as they use the shampoos and conditioners. Your hair is made of dead cells, but your scalp is alive and can absorb these dangerous substances. From the scalp, they can enter the body and travel to other tissues. This is how many problems begin.

Some people develop allergic reactions or are irritated by the unnatural substances in many traditional hair products. Although the FDA is aware of the carcinogens included in the hair products, they have not done anything to stop the companies from adding them. It is up to the consumer to find organic alternatives and avoid these horrible substances.

Using organic shampoo and conditioner may help prevent some forms of breast cancer. Traditional hair products contain butylparabens that have been linked to this type of cancer. They are able to confuse your body because they are so similar to estrogen. Excessive amounts of estrogen have been shown to lead to breast cancer. This is why it is important to carefully evaluate any products you place on your body. Your skin and scalp easily absorb them. You may want to carefully read all labels and avoid buying products with parabens. It is easier to prevent cancer than to treat it later.

Organic shampoo and conditioner should not have any synthetic or harmful chemicals. They should not have parabens or phthalates. These products are harmful to your body and the environment. Many people falsely believe that you cannot achieve beautiful hair without using these traditional products. You can have gorgeous and healthy hair with organic hair products.

Many shampoos and conditioners have wonderful moisturizers in them that can make your hair shiny. You also do not have to worry about how your hair will smell. Natural oils and fragrances can smell better than any synthetic shampoos and conditioners.

organic shampoo and conditioner, natural shamppos and conditioners, organic smell good shampoo & conditioner @ sally, organics shampoo and conditioner, organix shampoo and conditioner, Why conditioner shouldnt be put on scalp

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Eco Friendly Products

Posted by GuJJu Thursday, August 18, 2011 0 comments

For obvious reasons many people across the globe are switching over to eco friendly products. Keeping the world a safe place to live in should be a high priority for each of us. There are small daily changes you can make to help out the environment. Here are five tips to get you started:

Eco Friendly Products Eco Friendly Products

Start with your soap. There are several different facial soaps out there that can fall into the eco friendly products for beauty sector. We want to be sure that it is a soap that is not only good for the earth but something that will offer a healthy clean feel without all the unnecessary chemicals as well.

There are several other ways to help your overall look, and stay beautiful. When shopping for eco friendly beauty products did you ever stop to think about the lighting around your makeup mirror? That’s right, lower wattage bulbs fall into this category as well. Plus you can find makeup that is eco friendly as well. Look for Aubrey Organics, Aveda, and Physician’s Formula.

As you get into the shower stop and think about the water usage, and what you can use for eco friendly beauty products that will help you get fresh and clean in a more natural manner. There are several eco friendly shower gels, soaps and shampoos. Look for Aveeno and other similar brands.

Try Making Homemade Products – If you don’t see what your looking for in the eco friendly beauty products section of your store, try looking up some homemade recipes for eco friendly soaps and shampoos as well.

Try not to leave the water running while applying all of your great eco friendly beauty products and other cosmetics. People don’t realize all of the water that is wasted while we are at the sink doing other things. Instead use an eco friendly shower head that lowers the amount of water coming out and also filters any harmful chemicals.

There are so many great eco friendly products for beauty out there that make us sit down and be aware of all the items that are used on a daily basis. If we all take the time to see where we can save on products and energy usage, we can all live in a healthier green planet. So make it a priority in all parts of your life to look for eco friendly products.

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If you are considering using an anti aging skin creme, you may wonder whether these products are as effective as they claim and whether they’re safe for your skin and your overall health. And if you’ve used these products, you’ve no doubt wondered if the creme you use is the best choice, and again, about the safety factor.

Anti Aging Skin Creme Anti Aging Skin Creme

But unless you’ve done a lot of research yourself, you may not understand some very basic facts about the skin care industry and how the companies involved make decisions about what goes into their skin care products. While you may have some idea, knowing the truth will help you make a more informed decision.

As you may have guessed, the skin care industry generates billions of dollars annually, and the companies involved, at least the major publicly held corporations, are most interested in maximizing their profits and less interested in producing the best product. That sounds like a mercenary way to do business, but that is the way things work at that level of corporate business. They’re in the business of business more than the business of skin care.

This means that they want to produce their anti aging skin creme as cheaply as possible, advertise it heavily, and sell it for as much as possible. And “as cheaply as possible” means using ingredients that do not necessarily benefit your skin, and could even harm your skin and your health. These ingredients may sound familiar if you’ve read the labels; they include petrochemicals like petrolatum and mineral oil.

The problem with the cost-effective ingredients these companies use in their anti aging skin creme, aside from the fact that they offer no benefit, is that they can cause cancer, on the most severe end of things, and skin irritation, on a lesser scale. In between, they can cause other health problems, including such problems as migraines and other illnesses caused by artificial dyes such as Yellow 5 and Red 40.

Fortunately, there is an alternative. Many people choose an anti aging skin creme from a major cosmetic company because they think the big companies must know what they’re doing. Now that you know the truth, you can make a more informed choice.

That choice would be to choose a product with only natural ingredients. These cremes are often made by smaller companies, and may cost more than the mass-produced products (though not always), but are more effective, which means you will spend less in the long run, and safer to use, which makes them well worth any additional cost.

Knowing the facts about anti aging skin creme makes it easy to decide which anti aging skin creme will give your skin the best treatment.

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Men often think they don’t need skin care tips for men, or even to take care of their skin, and then at some point it happens-their skin betrays them. This can be avoided, or remedied at least, with a few basic tips for keeping your skin glowing and feeling great as well.

Skin Care Tips for Men 5 Tips for Keeping Your Skin Looking Great At Any Age Skin Care Tips for Men

1. Use a good sunscreen. Many men work and play out in the sun, and sunscreen can seem a little wimpy, but one of the best, most sensible skin care tips for men is to use sunscreen. The sun ages skin, at best, and of course can cause serious skin damage including skin cancer. Protecting your skin from harmful rays is one of the best things you can do.

2. Use an aftershave that doesn’t hurt. You know that sting when you slap on aftershave? That’s the alcohol in the aftershave killing your epidermis. You’ve just shaved, which removed dead skin cells, but now the alcohol is drying your skin and killing off skin cells again. Switch to an herbal moisturizer to replace the oils your skin lost when you shaved. No one has to know you’re consulting skin care tips for men or that you’re using moisturizer; let them think it’s aftershave. Only you have to know you’re taking care of your skin.

3. Avoid soap for your face. That’s not to say you shouldn’t wash your face; the problem is that most soaps have petrochemicals in them and will dry your face, which will damage your skin. The best choice for your face is not soap but a facial cleanser, preferably one with all-natural ingredients. Wash your face with your hands and massage it at the same time, stimulating blood flow to make your face look younger. You’ll have a healthy glow. Another of those skin care tips for men no one else has to know about.

4. Keep your skin clean. You probably take regular showers, but you may not be taking proper care of your skin. If you have oily skin, go ahead and take that warm shower, but if you’re suffering from dry skin, tepid showers or colder are actually better for your skin. Use a natural body wash to cleanse away the dirt and toxins clogging your skin, and use a soft (not rough) towel to pat (not rub) your body dry. Treat your skin to a moisturizing rub with a lotion that’s pH-balanced, and your entire body will thank you.

5. Eat a balanced diet. I know you didn’t expect diet recommendations in a list of skin care tips. For men and women alike, how you eat affects everything about your health. Consistently eating enough fruits and vegetables provides your skin with essential vitamins, including A and D, while fiber is essential to skin health. And make sure you always get enough water; hydrated skin is essential to having healthy skin.

By following these skin care tips for men, you can keep your skin looking and feeling great.

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Many people these days are looking for good anti aging wrinkle creams Do you look in the mirror and see signs of aging? Maybe you avoid looking in the mirror because you don’t want to see that you may have a winkle or two. If this is the case, you may want to consider purchasing an anti aging wrinkle creme. But before you just run out to the cosmetics counter and ask the girl behind the counter to hook you up with something, here are some tips that will help you buy the best product for your needs and not the one that gives someone else the biggest commission.

Tips to find Good Anti Aging Wrinkle Creams Anti Aging Wrinkle Creams

Okay, no one likes looking closely at skin that doesn’t look like it did 25 years ago, but you need to understand what problems you’re trying to correct. Are they age spots? Crow’s feet? Fine lines? You can’t choose an anti aging wrinkle creme without knowing what you want it to do. You want results, not just something to smear on your face to make you feel you’re doing something.

To get those results, you need to be clear on what specific signs of aging you want to address. So take the time to look in the mirror and get to know your skin a little before you go shopping.

Now, when you look at anti aging wrinkle cremes, restrict your choices to those cremes that address the problems you have identified.

No matter how fabulous other products may claim to be, if they don’t fix what you want fixed, they’re not for you. They’re just glorified spackle, as far as you’re concerned.

When you keep in mind what you need help with and look for cremes that target those problems, you will have much more success finding a real solution. Then the next three tips will help you locate those cremes easily and purchase them.

No matter how many great stores you have in your area, they can’t carry every solution and every product. The Internet gives you an infinite choice of skin care solutions and products. Plus you can find exactly what you need much more easily by shopping online.

If you prefer to shop locally, you may find something online and then locate a local outlet for it, but shopping online will help you find the perfect creme more easily.

There are two reasons for going with all-natural and organic ingredients in your anti aging wrinkle creams.

The first is safety; many low-end products contain petrochemicals which can cause cancer, less serious but still harmful ailments, and skin irritation.

Natural and organic ingredients are also simply better for your skin. They are very close to the oils in your skin, so are accepted readily by your skin and absorbed easily, and are very healthful for your skin. If the goal is healthy skin, it simply doesn’t make sense to rub chemicals into it.

Certainly price is a consideration when buying anything, but if you simply buy the cheapest anti aging wrinkle creme you can find, chances are you will not get an effective product, and you have wasted your money. Your best option is to buy the most cost-effective product-a product which meets all the criteria described above, but is economically priced compared to the other anti aging wrinkle creams that also meet those criteria.

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You are probably aware of the dangers of many skin care products from the larger cosmetic companies, with their chemical ingredients that can harm your skin, cause illness and even cause cancer. You know that you need natural ingredients in your skin care creams and other products, but you might wonder if you can simply make everything you need, rather than buying natural skin care creams and products.

The answer is yes and no.

Some skin care products can easily be made at home, and you may find that you want to use natural skin care recipes for some of your skin care needs. However, there are ingredients you simply cannot access for your home recipes, and you will need to decide what you want and need from your skin care regimen, and what you’re going to do yourself and what you’re going to buy.

A few natural skin care recipes you might find useful from your own kitchen include the following:

Instead of spending big bucks on expensive moisturizers that contain harmful chemicals (many of which are banned in certain places around the world (i.e. by the European Union)), or even buying a natural moisturizer, make your own. The essential ingredient in most moisturizers is oil, and olive oil is a cost-effective substitute that feels great and which you probably already have on hand.

When you’re done moisturizing, give yourself a facial with honey and an egg yolk or two (NOT the whites). Simply blend it together, smooth a thin coat on your face and let it sit for 15 or 20 minutes to clean and tighten your facial pores.

One of my favorite natural skin care recipes is the simple exfoliating scrub of baking soda. Yes, baking soda. Simply scrub with it in the shower, scrubbing a little harder in areas with blackheads.

Deodorants are one of the worst offenders in terms of chemical skin care products; this is where you really need natural skin care recipes and I have one. Simply replace your deodorant with a mixture of one part vinegar and one part water. The vinegar will not irritate your skin and is an excellent deodorant. Don’t worry the vinegar smell disappears fast.

What you cannot accomplish through these recipes is boosting collagen and production. You can care for and nourish your skin, and that is important. If you’re looking for something to actually reduce wrinkles and reverse and prevent the effects of aging, you’re probably going to need anti aging skin care products.

But for general skin care needs, these natural skin care recipes can be a great way to avoid chemicals, save money and enjoy doing it yourself.

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Using the best organic skincare products is ideal to make sure that your skin remains as healthy as possible, as organic products don’t include irritating synthetic chemicals and are, therefore, great for sensitive skin. When choosing the organic skincare products you want to include in your skincare routine, there are definitely a number of products you want to make sure are on your shopping list.

Here are the best organic skincare products to add to your skincare routine, no matter what type of skin you have:

Best Organic Skincare Best Organic Skincare

Organic Cleanser - Using an organic skin cleanser is essential to remove dirt, oil, dead skin cells, makeup, and other pollutants from your skin. Organic cleansers help to prevent various skin conditions, like acne, by helping to unclog your pores. You should use a cleanser at least once a day, along with a toner and a moisturizer, in order to keep your skin clean and healthy.

Organic Toner - An organic toner is another one of the best organic skincare products to add to your skincare routine. A skin toner works to cleanse your skin and keep it smooth. It helps to shrink the appearance of your skin’s pores and to refresh your complexion. An organic toner will typically be applied by using damp cotton wool (preferably organic). Once the toner has dried on your skin, you can then move on to moisturizing.

Organic Moisturizer - Adding an organic moisturizer to your skin care regimen is essential as it will help to increase the amount of hydration your skin receives and it will make your skin softer and smoother. You should apply your organic moisturizer after you have finished cleansing your face and the toner has dried. The moisturizer will then work to help improve the texture and tone of your skin, to treat and prevent dry skin, and to mask any blemishes or imperfections. An organic moisturizer is by far one of the best organic skincare products you can use.

Organic Exfoliator - An organic exfoliator is another one of the best organic skincare products out there. It works by lifting away dead cells on your skin by exfoliating and scrubbing your face and also provides for deep cleansing of your T-Zone area (the area of your chin, nose, and forehead). Exfoliators are often used after washing your face before you go to bed, so that it is free of makeup and any pollutants. It is recommended that you use an exfoliator a few times a week.

The best organic skincare as you see above is to look on labels for natural products and not chemicals to treat your skin.

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Natural Face Moisturizer And Its Ingredients

Posted by GuJJu Wednesday, August 17, 2011 0 comments

Natural face moisturizer is an important addition to your home. Everyone learns when he or she is growing up they need to use some kind of moisturizer on their skin, from head to toe. However, as we age, our skin types change and begin to mature, necessitating a different formula of skin cream and moisturizers at times. While most will opt for a cream moisturizer that attempts to reverse the aging process, others will opt for a more natural solution, especially on the facial skin where it is more delicate and requires more attention to detail.

Natural Face Moisturizer And Its Ingredients Natural Face Moisturizer

Natural face moisturizer can be made with many different ingredients. It’s important to read the labels of the moisturizer to make sure you are getting a natural product. Most natural face moisturizers do not contain any chemicals, such as stearates, alkyl benzoate and glyceryl stearates, methylparaben, propylparaben, diazolidinyl, Dicaprylyl, maleate, tetrasodium EDTA, and others, all of which are synthetic and can cause allergic reactions or dermatitis, an inflammation of the skin.

While every manufacturer of natural moisturizers claim that their brand is the best, it is impossible to believe any of them just on sheer word alone. Instead, do your research because one ingredient that is good for someone else may not be the best for you.

For example, some moisturizers contain natural compounds that act as chemicals do, such as retinols, or vitamin A compounds, but if you have sensitive skin, these moisturizers will irritate the skin even though the ingredient is natural. The same is true of other compounds such as some B vitamins like Panthenol. While most claim this vitamin does not irritate the skin, cases have been reported in which Panthenol was the cause of irritation.

The best natural face moisturizer ingredients are typically natural oils such as almond, olive, and Vitamin E and A. Cocoa butter is also great for the skin.

Always make sure the ingredients in natural face moisturizer agree with your specific skin type before using it as it will prevent any possible reactions.

Because natural face moisturizers are made from natural ingredients, it contains nothing to help preserve its shelf life such as preservatives normally found in non-natural formula moisturizers. It is very delicate and can “go bad’ just as any food would go bad if kept on the shelf for too long. This is why it is recommended that natural moisturizers and other natural beauty products be replaced in the following conditions:

If it is discoloredIf it smells bad or sourIf it is sticky or goopy when it is supposed to be a liquidIf you can see any impurities or cloudiness

If your bottle of natural face moisturizer shows any of these signs, it is time to stop using it immediately and replace it with a new bottle.

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If you’re suffering from some extra skin, either from aging or from sudden weight loss, you may be wondering how to tighten your skin without cosmetic surgery. You may even be wondering if it is possible.

There is good news; it is possible to firm up skin without expensive, painful and risky plastic surgery. You see, your skin’s elasticity is due to collagen, and when you stimulate the production of collagen your skin will become firmer and tighter.

These seven tips will help you do just that.

1. Hot Baths. When you think about how to tighten skin, you may not think of hot baths, but a hot bath with a half teaspoon of sea salt will not only relax your skin, and the rest of your body, but also remove toxins from your body. This will help your skin to regain its elasticity and firm up.

2. Massage. A soothing massage with a good lotion or oil is excellent for your skin as well as your muscles, and will tighten loose skin while making you feel great. This is an excellent addition to your skin-tightening regimen.

3. Vitamin E. One of the first answers most people will give to the question, how to tighten skin, is Vitamin E. Adding this nutrient to your diet will help firm your skin, but you can also take Vitamin E capsules, break them open and rub the liquid onto your skin for 15 or 20 minutes to firm and tone loose skin. This is an excellent treatment for sagging skin.

4. Water. Your skin needs lots of water, and most people simply don’t get enough. Dry, dehydrated skin will sag. Drinking eight to ten glasses of water daily will hydrate and tone your skin. When you’re wondering how to tighten skin, remember to drink plenty of water and avoid caffeinated drinks, which are dehydrating.

5. Raw Fruits and Vegetables. Your diet has a major impact on your skin. Most people don’t think about this, but vegetables and fruits can greatly increase your skin’s elasticity. Three of the most important are cucumber, coconut and tomato.

6. Soy protein and Aloe Vera Extract. Add these two nutrients to your diet to help your skin produce more collagen and elastin and improve its elasticity; this is one of the best how to tighten skin tips.

7. Olive Oil. Olive oil is another method for tightening skin, and should be applied to the skin in the same way as Vitamin E to help firm and tighten skin.

With these tips you can increase your skin’s elasticity and firmness easily without surgery.

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Organic makeup brands are very important when caring for your skin. Kahlil Gibran said that beauty is a light in the heart. While this may seem cliché it is absolutely true. It is healthy to want to look good. Organic makeup can help you achieve your best look without harming your skin. The natural makeup market is still evolving so you will not always find 100% natural ingredients. But you can still find products that are mostly all natural.

Here are a few organic makeup brands to check out:

Organic Makeup Brands Organic Makeup Brands

Nvey Eco is one of the best organic makeup brands. It doesn’t contain any harmful ingredients that will adversely affect your skin. They offer a wide variety of products including blush, powders, mascara, lipstick and others. Plus this company really loves colors. Their eyeshades and lipsticks come in many different shades. You can be funky, cool or sexy.

Sephora has a natural line of makeup. The ingredients included in their natural line of makeup consist of essential oils, antioxidants, fruit extracts, minerals and vitamins. They also exclude most of the harmful chemicals such as genetically modified organisms, petrochemicals, parabens, sulfates, and synthetic dyes and fragrances.

Suki Skin Care was created by Suki who has dedicated her life to ensuring her products are the best in the industry. The Suki science behind her products is what makes them unique. The science of Suki revolves around four standards; 100% pure base, high potency botanic concentrates, extracts an organic actives, and cosmeceutical ingredients. You can find luscious lip colors, tinted moisturizers, and brush sets.

Earth’s Beauty has a huge line of natural makeup. They claim it is the purest makeup you will find. They use ingredients such as iron oxides and arrowroot. They do not use any nano particles in any of their products. You can find mineral powders, eye shadows, eye liners, blushes, mascara, and more.

Give these brands a try. To find more organic makeup brands, you can easily perform a search online.

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Skin tightening cream can be very effective, and certainly the idea is appealing, but how do you make sure you’re spending your money on something that really works? No one wants to get ripped off.

Here are the three biggest mistakes most people make when choosing a cream, and what to do instead to make sure you get an effective cream for your money.

Serious Skin Tightening Cream Mistakes to Avoid Skin Tightening Cream

It’s cheap and easy to just run down to the drug store or department store to buy a skin tightening cream. They have low prices, and someone will just tell you what to buy. There are a couple of problems, though.

The prices are low because they use synthetic ingredients or use very small amounts of natural ingredients, so you get very little effect for the money you spend.

And yes, someone will tell you what to buy, but that person may not know any more than you do.

What to Do Instead: Buy Skin Tightening Cream Online

When you buy online, you can research what you’re buying, you can go directly to the source and learn exactly what is in the cream and what it will do for you, and you can buy high-quality cream made from natural ingredients, instead of cheap synthetic cream that may actually harm your skin.

Labels are advertising. They are supposed to make the ingredients sound good. That’s what they do. Don’t trust what the label says the cream will do; trust the ingredients.

What to Do Instead: Research Products and Buy Based on the Ingredients

Only buy products that have all-natural, organic ingredients that address your problem. Never buy based on inflated claims.

Only buy based on realistic information and facts about what the cream is, not what the marketing department says.

Many cheaper skin care products contain petrochemicals that can cause health problems ranging from skin irritation to cancer. These products are simply a waste of money, at best, and at worst are a health hazard.

What to Do Instead: Buy a Cream Made with All-Natural, Organic Ingredients That Contains a Collagen Stimulating Ingredient

Always check the ingredients on any skin care product you are considering, and buy only natural products. In the case of skin tightening cream, also make sure the product contains an ingredient that will stimulate collagen production, as this is what tightens your skin. Without this, you won’t get the results you want.

With these tips you are equipped to make a good choice. Skin tightening cream can be very effective, but only if you buy an effective cream.

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What is Sytrinol?

Posted by GuJJu 0 comments

Multiple clinical trials have demonstrated that Sytrinol acts synergistically to significantly improve total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides up to 30%, 27%, and 34%, respectively, compared to placebo. Sytrinol has also been shown to increase HDL levels. Additionally, Sytrinol is a powerful anti-oxidant with numerous heart health benefits including the reduction of arterial plaque, improved glycemic control and reduced blood platelet aggregation.

What is Sytrinol?

Multiple studies show that Sytrinol decreases total cholesterol by 30%, low density lipoprotein (LDL), the bad cholesterol, by 27%, and triglycerides by 34%. In addition, high density lipoprotein (HDL), the good cholesterol, increases four percent.

Sytrinol works by decreasing the oxidation of the bad cholesterol, a factor in plaque formation and narrowing coronary arteries. Sytrinol also decreases inflammation of arteries, which is believed to be associated with increased risk of coronary attack. And by lubricating platelets, the small blood particles responsible for blood clot formation, there’s less chance of one forming in coronary arteries.

The dose of Sytrinol is 300 milligrams once a day and well tolerated with no reported complications, even when 50 times the regular dose is prescribed. Preferred Nutrition Sytrinol is available at most health food stores.

Studies show that Cholesterol-lowering drugs can decrease Co-Q10 by as much as 40%. It’s like draining the car’s gas tank. Moreover, the higher the dose of CLD, the more Co-Q10 is removed for the heart’s muscle. A number of authorities believe that by continually robbing the heart of Co-Q10, doctors may be setting the stage for a future epidemic of congestive heart failure.

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Organic Skin Cream

Posted by GuJJu 0 comments

Organic skin cream is the best solution for your skin. Other creams contain dangerous chemicals that can lead to health complications. It is better to choose creams made with natural ingredients than to take the chance with other products containing synthetics. Some chemicals have been linked to cancer. It is important to remember that everything you apply to your skin will get absorbed by your body and could enter the bloodstream. You do not want dangerous toxins to build up in your system from using traditional skin creams.

Organic Skin Cream Organic Skin Cream

If you are concerned about harmful substances than organic skin cream is the best option. Many traditional creams contain preservatives to improve their shelf life. This is why you can purchase some creams with expiration dates of several years into the future. Unfortunately, these preservatives often have parabens. Studies have shown that parabens can cause breast cancer and other types of cancers. You do not want to take the risk on these creams. They can completely destroy your life later. Organic products will not have this issue.

Choosing organic skin cream is also better for the environment and animals. Many companies that sell organic products practice other eco-friendly methods to reduce the impact on the environment. They may have recycled packaging or less packaging. They may also give back to communities. In addition, many organic companies do not test their products on animals. This is an important issue that animal safety groups have been advocating for years. If you are buying organic creams, then you are helping others and not just your skin.

Organic skin cream is a natural alternative to other products. You can still see amazing results from using this product. Your skin can look younger and more elastic. You can have a youthful glow. Most organic creams will have natural ingredients like fruits or vitamins. They may have oils to improve your skin’s moisture levels. Plants and minerals are natural sources of ingredients that can help your skin look beautiful for many years.

In addition, organic companies will usually avoid using genetically modified plants in their creams. These are controversial plants that science is still investigating. People are still not sure how genetically modified plants can influence our health, but the studies completed at this stage do not reveal positive news. Organic products are better and safer for your skin. You should never put your health at risk by using other types of skin care products. Organic skin cream is the answer you may be looking for.

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